Facing Challenges
The project development team is part of the CRM Product team with a total of 50 members - this is also GMO's largest-scale project in the Vietnamese market. In the initial phase, the project had 35 members, and at its peak - when integrating the CRM system for customers, the number of team members increased to 40 with support from other departments such as TIO, DX Solutions, IID, ...
As GMO's highest revenue project in the Vietnamese market, this is both an opportunity and a challenge for the development team. The greatest difficulty lies in the implementation time, with a complex project requiring high expertise and knowledge, while most companies deploy within a year, the customer demands completion in just 7 months. Even when the customer continuously changes product requirements, it consumes a considerable amount of resources both in terms of time and personnel to deliver the best and most suitable product within the deadline.
With these challenges, the team always strives to listen to the customers, constantly research new technologies and solutions, maximize tools and processes, and apply agile methods to manage and implement the project efficiently and closely.
Great Values
Mr. Vu Viet Hoan - the BA Manager of the project, shared: "The CRM project for An Binh Bank is a large project of GMO in Vietnam, the success of the project has brought many values to both the company and the customers. For customers, the project has helped An Binh Bank automate customer relationship processes, optimizing 70% of the time for the sales team. Implementing CRM is always a major challenge for the banking and finance industry, and in reality, not every bank is ready to change mindset to do this. Choosing GMO as the development unit has helped customers save 90% of the cost compared to using similar products from other brands worldwide. In addition, by using the CRM system, An Binh Bank has optimized costs and increased profits by hundreds of billion dong in just 7 months."
For GMO-Z.com RUNSYSTEM, besides completing and packaging the CRM product to continue selling to other enterprises, the development team has also provided new experiences and know-how about CRM as well as banking operations. Currently, WOWCRM is the only product in Vietnam with full functionality for the Finance - Banking sector, which is a competitive advantage that will bring great value to the company.

Initial Achievements
The CRM project development team always receives positive feedback and encouragement from An Binh Bank. Customers affirm that this is the only successful project among their 5 major projects in 2023 and is a remarkable achievement. An Binh Bank highly appreciates the spirit of innovation, creativity, and enthusiasm of the development team and GMO-Z.com RUNSYSTEM. The customer hopes to continue cooperating with GMO to build the next phases of the project.

The WOWCRM project won the Best G-Team 2023 award at the G-AWARDS ceremony.
After completion and packaging into a product, on April 28, 2023, the WOWCRM Customer Relationship Management platform of GMO-Z.com RUNSYSTEM surpassed hundreds of profiles to be named in the category "Best Digital Transformation Platform" at the Sao Khue 2023 Awards Ceremony organized by the Vietnam Software and IT Services Association (VINASA).
Especially, the CRM-ABB project won the award "Project with the highest revenue in the Vietnamese market" at the G-Awards - an internal award system given by GMO to groups and individuals with outstanding achievements. These are great achievements, sweet fruits for all project members and this is also the motivation for the deployment team to strive even harder in the near future.
"I and all project members feel very happy and proud to receive the G-Awards recently. I would like to express my gratitude to the company's leadership for acknowledging the project's success, and thank all the support and assistance from all teams in the company. In the future, the development team hopes to have the opportunity to participate in many more large projects and together bring effective software solutions, supporting businesses in the digital transformation process" - Mr. Vu Viet Hoan shared his feelings upon receiving the G-Awards on the stage of the New Year Party 2024.
In the near future, GMO aims to increase the coverage of the WOWCRM product for the entire banking and finance industry in the Vietnamese market, proudly presenting it as a "Made in Vietnam" product to help Vietnamese people use Vietnamese products, save costs, and avoid brain drain. Continuing to leverage existing strengths and technological capabilities, WOWCRM will continue to develop to become a CDP (customer data platform), using artificial intelligence to manage digital banking and stay ahead of digital banking development.