Challenges for the construction industry
Optimizing resource allocation
The demand for labor in the construction industry is increasing rapidly (estimated to need about 400,000 - 500,000 laborers per year). Many current laborers are preparing for retirement, while the Generation Y workforce lacks the necessary skills and experience to "take over" the industry. Therefore, the construction industry needs more quantity and quality of labor. Companies will need help finding replacement labor if there are issues with human resources. In such circumstances, contractors must find ways to manage with limited resources and optimize operational efficiency.
Project progress management
Project progress management is a challenging task that requires various skills such as communication, team management, risk management, etc. Project managers must regularly check and compile unfinished duties/required tasks to timely adjust plans.

Civil engineers have to take on a large volume of work, monitor progress, and address cost issues in construction projects
Cost management
Cost management is a significant challenge for construction companies, as there are various expenses to consider, such as labor costs, construction insurance, payments to subcontractors, costs for the owner, and material supply costs. Managing all these expenses accurately and efficiently takes work. Therefore, companies often use additional software and technological solutions in such cases.
Benefits of implementing ERP solutions for construction businesses
With its flexible modules and convenient web-based platform, GMO-Z.com RUNSYSTEM's ERP solution has gained trust and successful implementation among many customers, providing superior strength for businesses in practice. Read more: Success Stories in Manufacturing
Limiting errors
ERP solutions can control, manage automatically, identify, and fully transparently transmit information between departments accurately and quickly. As a result, businesses can avoid errors and risks related to human factors and improve work efficiency.
Streamline project management processes
Management levels can easily manage multiple projects simultaneously, control all relevant information, accurately update progress, develop projects based on predefined milestones, and assign tasks to each employee. This can be done very simply, with just a few mouse clicks.

Applying ERP solutions in business management helps engineers reduce workload pressure, minimize errors, and optimize resources effectively
Resource optimization
Business resources are limited. Without proper balance and rational calculation, it can lead to labor waste, customer loss, and financial loss. ERP solutions can assist businesses in managing personnel and allocating resources optimally through automated and visual tools. The software can also help managers track work progress in real-time, allowing for adjustments and redistributing the workforce for maximum efficiency.
Cost savings effectively
With useful features, ERP solutions have contributed to eliminating manual processes and improving the efficiency of warehouse management, personnel management, project management, cash flow management, etc. In addition, ERP also supports cost estimation and planning and helps contractors improve project efficiency and profitability. As a result, businesses can cut many costs, such as inventory management, raw material, human resource management, etc.
Accelerate information exchange
Information among departments within a business will be transmitted and shared quickly in real-time with high security. Contractors can also grant access to specific data to partners. ➡ Contact and experience GMO-Z.com RUNSYSTEM's ERP solution at: https://vietodoo.vn/san-pham/